Sunday, December 6, 2009


So bad news, we didn`t get to go to the chocolate factory :( because it was closed for construction. And the ice skating rink was closed, and the basketball game we wanted to go to was cancelled.

But, we are loving Fribourg!! Aside from the delicious fondue, we have been eating like queens here - Linus is quite the host and an excellent cook. We ate a pork roast with mashed potatoes for lunch on Friday, yesterday we had Mexican food (fajitas!), and today we had an assortment of cold cuts, cheese, and bread plus an apple pie. Lunch is the big meal here, which we have found to be pretty cool. And today, we went to Bern (the capital) and had another delicious meal with Etienne`s mother. It`s pretty cool here even without the food, too! Bern has this outdoor area right in the city where they have brown bears - we were very confused at first, because we didn`t quite get how exactly that worked (bears in the city?), but there are enclosed outdoor areas and dens where the bears live. There might just be the one bear now, Bjork, and we saw her!

Okay - so that`s all for now... if we don`t get around to posting again, then well, it`s because we`ll see you soon and can just tell you all about what else we`re up to! We`re off to Zurich tomorrow to stay in a hotel for the night, and then Tuesday night, we are voluntarily staying in the Zurich airport/train station again, you know, to come full circle since we stayed there our first night! We`re pretty jazzed for that :) So, okay, loveyoubye!!!

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