Monday, November 9, 2009

One more month!

Okay, so Sarah and I are at an Apple Store using the free Internet here, so here´s a quick little update. Ali, by the way, is hopefully getting a new American Express card at the moment (so I won´t get to be her sugar mama for much longer).

So, we were in Barcelona and loving it - remember my last post where I was gushing about it and we had planned to go out to dinner and go out dancing? I guess we should have known - everyone in Barcelona had been telling us to watch out for our purses, even the people selling stuff on the beach would warn us to hold on to our bags. So, we know better now... But they´re crafty, those thieves! The exciting part was that I gave a police report in Spanish, you know, no big deal or anything... :)

Anyway, aside from that incident, Barcelona was still pretty fun. We spent a few days at the beach, although it was too windy to swim - but at least it was a gorgeous sandy beach. It was so annoying, though, because we would be reading or sleeping, and so many people would come up asking, ¨Massage?¨ or ¨Cerveza, beer, my friend?¨ or ¨Sunglasses?¨ We would try and politely say, ¨No gracias,¨ but usually they were relentless, so my tone at least got more and more annoyed. Finally we wrote a few signs, ¨No nos moleste¨(Don´t bother us, if my Spanish was right) and ¨No masage,¨and that seemed to work, mostly. Oh, and - we saw This Is It. Yes, the Michael Jackson film shot while he was preparing for his London performances. (If he were still alive, it´s possible that we would´ve been able to see one of the shows in London.) It was pretty amazing, and I would highly recommend it - those performances would have been really, really cool. The dancing, special effects, singing - we still haven´t gotten ¨Man In the Mirror¨out of our heads. Oh and one of the nights we were there, we cooked a delicious (and cheap) pesto pasta meal, complete with a garlic herbed butter and spinach salad - so hopefully we´ll get to cook more at future hostels!

And now we´re in Madrid, staying in an adorable place. I´m not sure what to call it - not a hostel or hotel, exactly - but it´s cute. We have bedspreads with a green and tan leaf pattern, embroidered pillowcases that match the lampshades, and real living plants around the place. Plus, we got to watch one of our DVDs last night - Murder at 1600! Of course we already found a delicious Chinese restaurant. Oh, and we definitely found our new ¨Que Pasa¨ - the Maoz vegeterian falafel chain. We discovered it in Barcelona and went there 4 times, and then Sarah found out Madrid has one, so we´ve already been to it twice.

So, we´re all safe and sound, being careful and taking care of one another. And we´ve lately been having some very interesting discussions about life and immortality (brought on by Twilight, no doubt), politics, religion, everything. We´re learning a lot more about each other, and we´ve been talking about how weird it will be to go back and be around... other people? :) Lots of love to you all!

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