Sunday, September 27, 2009

On the Road Again

So just fyi, the ys and zs are all opposite and the puncuation marks are different as well. get used to it cause im too layz to change it.

So last zou heard we were in Munich heading to Oktoberfest. It was simplz ridiculous. Everz next person and their mother were wearing lederhosen or dirndl and thez were all stumbling around completelz drunk. We didn§t have anz beer there becaüse it was waz too expensive. We found our waz back to dougs bz ourselves and watched the Global version of The dailz show with Jon Steward with Doug and Quaide, Dougs roommate. Qiaude told us about his son, Janno, with whom we are now obsessed.

We had to get up at around 5 am the next daz to make our train to Nuremburg. It was prettz terrible waking up that earlz because we are still prettz jet lagged. We haven§t reallz had a good night sleep since we§ve been here, so tonight should be glorious.

Our bus ride to Prague was just lovelz. We all had two seats and were able to sleep. But once we got here, finding our hotel was a bit of a struggle. We spent about two hours looking for the hotel, wandering in a North easterlz direction. We asked tons of people on the street for help, but no one reallz spoke english and we speak no Czech. The best part of the day: we all had kangaroo steak for dinner and it was delïcious. We feel a little bad, but no...cause it was awesome and onlz twelve dollars. Tomorrow we are going to spend all daz in the Center of the citz. To all the jews in the house, we maz attend some Zom Kippur services.

ok sorrz thats not reallz funnz to read but WHATEVER. we§re tired.


1 comment:

  1. Ok no really Ali...the y/z thing kind of annoying....Glad you are having a good time!
