Saturday, September 26, 2009

We made it!!!

So, we made it! We're in Munich now, staying with a friend of Ali's parents. We finally had our first night of uninterrupted sleep, and it was wonderful. I hadn't slept so soundly since maybe Sunday. A quick recap of our trip so far:

The long flight from Seattle to Heathrow went off without a hitch. We were on a 747 and had those personal screens where we could each watch whatever we wanted from a selection of movies and shows, and we were all a bit smitten with our flight attendant, Owen, with his British accent and pleasant aroma. Looking at our connecting flight, however, we had somehow mistaken the time of our fight from Heathrow to Zurich - meaning we certainly wouldn't make the train to Munich and we would have to make some sort of alternative travel and sleeping arrangements...and we had a whole phone card/pay phone debacle in Heathrow...BUT, we eventually found out that we could just stay in the Zurich airport, and that we did. We found some amazing wicker love seats in the food court area (where there was a full on supermarket with raw meat, vegetables and cheese - yes, in the airport) and Sarah discovered that our backpacks fit underneath the couches so we didn't have to worry about locking anything up. Ali and I slept for maybe 2 or 3 hours at most there, but it was so comfortable to stay there and not worry about how to get to a nearby hostel when we'd have to be back by 7 a.m. the next morning anyway.

We caught the train at 7:28 a.m. to Munich, and it was packed with people probably on their way to Oktoberfest. People sitting all around us were happily sipping on cans of beer - and this was all before 8 a.m.

Anyway, I'm sure the other girls will want to update more - we've accumulated some memorable stories already. Munich so far has been amazing. It's such a beautiful city packed with so much history. Today we will probably experience Oktoberfest (we walked through it last night and it looked incredible), although we did have our own night of drinking and might be taking it easy today... :) Much love. We'll post pictures soon, too.

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