Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hello everybody! So we decided to go to Berlin instead of Cologne. Our guide said that Cologne was known to be a cultural center and Berlin was known for it's night life.....So we decided to come here: sorry parents. Our hostel is a little sketchy, not helped by the fact that the entrance requires you to go through a dark alleyway, and the rooms inside are lit only be red lighting. But it is cheap and safe! Yesterday we walked around Berlin, went to the Jewish Museum, and then decided to make it Jewish day by seeing Inglourious Basterds ( In English ). Then we went and had Mexican food around the hostel around midnight. We were all so sick of bread and cheese and sausage, so it is really nice that there is all types of international cuisine around where we are. The Mexican food is a bit off though. Nora ordered vegetarian nachos and instead of getting vegetables like peppers and onions, she got peas and baby carrots....And last night I ordered a carne asada enchilada, which turned out to be lamb. But oh well : ) Tomorrow we are headed to Amsterdam which we are all excited about. Germany has been fun, but we are ready to try a new country now. Love you all! And bye the way did you notice that the ys and zs are correct now? You are welcome : )

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