Thursday, October 8, 2009

VERY scary experience

So we opted for a bit of alone time today. Nor had a tram pass and decided to go into the central part of town, Sar stayed our part of town but went to the area with all the shops, and I went for a stroll along the canal near the apartment. Before I start the bulk of the story, I need to fill you all in on one of my quirks. The pidgeons here are freakin scary. That's right, you heard me: I'm scared of pidgeons. While Sarah and Nora say I'm crazy, I think they are aggressive and they want to bite my toes. Anyway, so it's a beautiful day and I'm sitting on a park bench, writing in my journal, watching the ducks along the canal and this woman comes up behind me and starts speaking Dutch. She could have been talking to me, but it's also possible she was talking to herself, or perhaps even the birds.

Everything is just fine and dandy until I see what she's got in her hand: a bag of bread. Oh dear god she's going to feed the birds...there was no way to escape. She threw the bread into the air and the birds, pidgeons mostly, but some ducks and gulls, started flying/swirling around me. I thought they were going to peck my eyes out. I got a video of it so you can all see how terrifying it was for me. When it was all finally over I looked over at the lady and she was standing there with this grin on her face. I wanted to throw bread at her and have the birds peck away at that stupid smile. Ok that's a bit much but I was not pleased.

Who knows how I came out of that ordeal with all my toes, or even alive for that matter, but I did. Huzzah!


  1. Hey kids, Sven here at work said you must go to the Fish Bowl. It's down an alleyway near The Bulldog. Dad-G

  2. This story made me laugh so hard I almost peed!

    When I was in Spain, I saw this father throw bird seed onto his child in a stroller - and the pigeons swarmed and landed on this kid. It was bizarre. Those crazy Europeans and their pidgeon feeding ways...
