Sunday, October 25, 2009

London, baby!

So this is long overdue, but I will be telling you all about the wonders of London. We are in Paris right now, as all the other posts indicate, but we are a bit behind on our blogging. Alrighty, so Nora told the wonderful story of how we got a hotel room, but after that, hilarity ensued. We were all totally jazzed to have a hotel so we went-a-walkin to find a pub. That's right. A pub. Not a bar. Anyway, we found this cute little one and got some beers. We were sitting, having some lovely converstaion when I looked over at our seemingly normal neighbors only to notice one of them is wearing a leather collar. No biggie. But wait, there's more... that collar was attached to a leash. And that leash was attached to the wrist of an old man. Yes. It was a bit strange. At first glance it just looked like a young man and his father out for a drink, but alas, it was something a bit dirtier. Overall it was a great first night.

So we walked all over London, went to the British Museum for all of 15 minutes, saw Traflagar Square, Parilment, Big Ben, Wesminster Abbey, and all that jazz. Oh and the best part, there was a green peace protest thing going on when we were got to the Parliment building. I guess people had just climbed over the walls with ladders and got on the roof with all sorts of banners that said "Change the Politics, Save the Climate." It was a pretty big spectacle. Later on we talked to one of the guards and asked what was happening and he said that someone must've been sleeping on the job...oops. And yes, all those protesters were going to be arrested when they got down.

So we need to get going now, but everyone stay tuned for the great story involving those crazy royal guards how they were totally flirting with us...

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